support for teens

Body Love Curriculum

This downloadable guide is designed to empower and educate girls about the menstrual cycle. This comprehensive digital resource offers menstrual wisdom that is often hard to come by. Authored by Chesari Dubois, MSW, HWH, Arvigo Practitioner, and Master Reiki Practitioner, this guide covers essential topics including female anatomy, menstrual cycle phases, affirmations, and self-care practices.

Whether she's just beginning her journey or navigating hormonal changes, this guide offers invaluable insights for young girls and women alike. Educating your daughter early about menstruation can prepare her and create more confidence around this transition.

body love workshops

In person Body Love Workshops are offered annually to coming of age girls and their mothers to explore the menstrual cycle in an empowered way. This workshop allows girls and their mothers an opportunity to explore self care practices that allow for continued wellness, as well as an opportunity to ask questions and be in community with other females. 

Praise for the Body Love Workshop: 

“It was beautiful!” 

“How can we get this in the curriculum at the public schools?!?” 

“I learned tools that I did not know as a mom that I could use, but also atart my daughter on before beginning her period.” 

“It was refreshing to hear how our bodies are speaking to us with “symptoms” and not to just cover them up or tolerate them…” 

“This was executed perfectly! Highly recommend!” 

“I wish there were workshops like this when I was my daughter’s age. So empowering!” 

Coaching for teens

Chesari has been working with youth for over 15 years, and has a diverse set of tools to support young people through life’s ups and downs. Coaching is a holistic alternative to clinical counseling for teens. Coaching with Chesari includes energy healing practices, spiritually grounded support, education and use of tools including: EFT tapping, HeartMath, emotional release practices, journaling, and more. 

Sisterhood Groups 

The Sisterhood Girls Group is an offering for girls ages 11-14 to gather to experience community, support, and to explore self-expression and new learning opportunities. This small group setting allows girls to connect, try new things, and create lasting friendships in a space that supports healthy development into the teen years.