Emotional Release with Applied Kinesiology
We all experience emotional stresses throughout our lives. At times, traditional methods for supporting mental and emotional health fall short because they fail to address the fact that unprocessed emotions take up space in the body. These cause limitations, emotional pain and relationship challenges, and “dis-ease” in the body. In order to experience true freedom from emotional challenges and traumas, we need to release them from the body.
Luckily, we have a simple process for doing this. Using Applied Kinesiology, also known as Muscle Testing, we are able to tap into the wisdom of the subconscious mind to find and release unprocessed emotions.
While this process can initially feel difficult to understand, people experience tremendous emotional freedom and sometimes even relief from physical symptoms and pain, as the mind and body are so intimately connected.
Using Applied Kinesiology, we can release generational trauma, emotions from those around us that we have taken on, as well as our own emotions. Each session allows for greater healing and freedom. For best results, it is recommended that individuals participate in continued sessions, which can be scheduled bi-weekly or monthly. Emotional Release Sessions are available for all ages, both in the office or virtually. For babies and children, parents may act as surrogates to support the healing process without children needing to directly participate to experience the benefits.
The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, breathe, and swim in, and the products that we use in our home and on our skin all expose us to various toxins. When on a journey to experience greater health, we need to look at supporting the drainage pathways in the body to safely release toxins. Whether it is heavy metals, environmental toxins, pesticides or herbicides, VOCs, or phalates, nature offers incredible tools to bind and remove these toxins from the body.
In addition to daily exposure, we also pass on toxins to our children, just as we have received toxins from our parents. Given this reality, detoxification is important for all of us, both in childhood and adulthood.
At Flow Healing Arts, Chesari has partnered with Vykon Supplements and Cell Core to offer the highest quality binders and supplements to support detoxification. No matter where you are on your health journey, there are tools for you to gently cleanse the body and experience those health upgrades that you are seeking.
Energy Work
Chesari is a Master Shamanic Reiki Practitioner who incorporates a variety of Shamanic energy healing practices with Reiki energy healing to support women in releasing trauma and transforming emotional patterns and belief systems. This energy healing supports the chakras in clearing heavy energy that can lead to “dis-ease.” Each energy healing session with Chesari is unique as are the benefits experienced by women.
As an energy healing practitioner whose focus is in women’s health, Chesari is able to support women in energetically connecting to their womb space. By bringing intention and healing to the womb and sacral chakra, Chesari supports women in releasing old traumas and emotions that are held in the pelvis. Energetic womb healing supports a woman’s emotional health, increases blood flow to the pelvis and increases reproductive vitality. Womb healing can be a critical practice in supporting fertility and reproductive wellness.
holistic women’s health
Holistic Women’s Health recognises that women have uniquely different bodies and gifts compared to men. In today’s Western culture, we have become increasingly disconnected from our feminine bodies and our innate healing abilities. We have been made to believe that health comes from a doctor, rather from within. In truth, what we consume, (our food, who we surround ourselves with, what we watch and read, etc.) how we manage our stress and how we move about in the world all greatly affect how we experience our emotions and bodies. We have so much more power over our health than we were ever made to believe. With Holistic Women’s Health,
Chesari partners with women to provide meaningful body literacy education so that they can understand their female bodies and be empowered to care for themselves differently. Chesari really listens to each woman’s experience and partners with women to uncover their unique constitutional patterns. From there, Chesari provides support and guidance around nutrition, emotional and energetic practices, and how to use herbs and steam to make the changes that women are seeking for their reproductive health. This approach is all about supporting women to re-discover their power. We are the medicine we’ve been seeking.
Arvigo®️ supports organs such as the uterus to come into neutral position, and supports healing of scar tissue and adhesions.
Arvigo®️ Techniques can support healing with many reproductive, digestive, and structural concerns, including:
infertility, menstrual challenges, headaches and migraines, adhesions and scar tissue, fibroids, endometriosis, constipation, IBS, Crohns Disease, chronic fatigue and pain
Arvigo®️ Techniques
The Arvigo®️ Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy were developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo, who apprenticed for many years with the late Maya Doctor-Priest Don Elijio Panti in Belize.
Chesari was trained through the Arvigo®️ Institute as an Arvigo®️ Therapist. Arvigo®️ Techniques include bodywork, plant medicine, and traditional Maya remedies for healing body and spirit. This work is held by Chesari with deep reference and gratitude for the Maya lineage which has been healing people for many years.
This practice works with several systems in the body at once, moving arterial blood and increasing venous return, supporting the movement of lymph, fascia, nerve pathways, and qi. Through bringing movement to these systems, digestive and female health challenges are able to heal. Additionally, many women experience deep healing with Arvigo®️ as this technique brings a displaced uterus back to neutral, alleviating many reproductive and menstrual challenges.